Coinbase Email Scam - 1-800-617-4873 PayPal Order Confirmation

Coinbase Email Scam - 1-800-617-4873 PayPal Order Confirmation

Scammers are sending Coinbase email scams like the one below to potential victims. The Coinbase scam emails contain the telephone number 1-800-617-4873, which is not a legitimate Coinbase support number. The number is being used by scammers, therefore, calling it will connect the scammers responsible for the fake emails. They will attempt to trick whoever calls them into giving them their account credentials, personal and financial information. If the requested information is sent, the scammers will take and use it fraudulently.

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A Coinbase Email Scam

A Coinbase Scam Email

1800-617-4873From: Sales info

Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022, 11:33:06 AM EST

Subject: Thankyou-0rder confirmation

Thank you For using Paypal as your Payment method

Dear Customer,

You just sent a money with paypal to Coinbase wallet

Reversals: Please be aware that your payment can be reversed (e.g. if it is subject to a chare), even after you

with Paypal's Seller Protection have posted the item

to you buyer.Complying and following the trading

guidelines on our security page helps to protect. you

things like chargebacks.

Dispatch Information

Address status: Confirmed

Have you lifted your withdrawal and receiving limit?

just log in to your paypal account, go to the account

overview page and click view limits.

Payment details

Payment Status : Confirmed

Amount: $700.00

Transaction Date:20 jan 2022

Support Assistance? Contact 24x7 at: +1800-617-487

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Coinbase Email Scam - 1-800-617-4873 PayPal Order Confirmation