Norton Protection Renewal Scam - 1-866-361-2726
The fake Norton Protection Renewal email below is a scam. The fake email is being sent by scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims into calling them at 1-866-361-2726, thinking they are calling Norton. Therefore, recipients of the fake email asking them to call 1-866-361-2726, are asked not to do so, they should just delete the email.
The Norton Protection Renewal Scam
__NORTON valuable purchaser__
thank you for using our norton pc protection and being a loyal customer for the PAST one year.
your pc support plan has expired yesterday; HENCE your subscription plan is auto renewed.
since you HAVE chosen the auto renewal option we have billed your saved account detail for the annual amount of your plan upon the expiration of YOUR contract.
If you wish to cancel OUR services, please contact us within 24 hours after receiving this email confirmation.
--PROTECTION details—
invoice : NHUT52666M
date : 07th SEP 2021
payment METHOD : online
protection PRICE : $241.48
contact OUR support team at +1 - (866) - (361) - (2726) monday to friday 8 am to 4 pm est.
if this order is not placed by you or if you think someone is gaining access to your NORTON account to make a purchase THEN please feel free to reach us to cancel anytime and get a refund.
thank you
NORTON billing department
@norton protection Ltd. all rights reserved
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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.