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Olive Garden Scam Giveaway - Free Facebook Voucher by President Dave George

The Olive Garden scam on Facebook below, which claims to be from Dave George, Oliver Garden's president, about a free voucher giveaway for dinner for 2 with drinks, is being posted by scammers. The scam asks potential victims to share and comment on it, which will help spread it to other potential victims. Once enough potential victims have shared the scam, they will receive a fake Olive Garden post and ask to click the link in it. The link goes to a fake survey or phishing website that steals account credentials, personal and financial information.


The Olive Garden Facebook Scam

I’m Dave George, the president of Olive Garden. I know times have been tough so to help everyone out I have a special surprise for everyone who shares&comments then. Every person who does this by Sep 28th can get a voucher. Each voucher can be used at any Olive Garden restaurant to get a meal for two with drinks!

Sharing or commenting on the Olive Garden scam will help spread the scam to your friends, which will give the scammers more potential victims. Therefore, recipients of the scam are asked not to follow the instructions in it, they should just report it to Facebook.

If you have already commented or shared the Olive Garden Facebook scam, remove your comment, delete the share, and share this alert with your friends in order to info them.

If potential victims share the scam, they will receive the post below with a link to a phishing, spam, or fake survey website.

Dave George Olive Garden Scam Post

Olive Garden-Fans

Olive Garden Fans You can ow get a voucher for a meal for two with drinks with our offer, simply click the "Get Voucher" and follow teh deails. hxxps:// 4EQbscO

Facebook users want to verify the authencity of an Olive Garden giveaway or promotion, may go directly to their legit Facebook page located at:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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