Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review

Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review

I think Stopwatt or Stop Watt located at is just another scam. I am a professional electrician and have worked in the field for many years, even had an electrical contractor's license. I spent my greatest number of years in the field working as an electrical technician and troubleshooter and I can tell you that everything in a building, be it a house or otherwise, requires so much power and you get billed for the amount of power you consume, not for capacity, current or anything else.

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About Stopwatt Energy Saving Device

Stopwatt - Stop Watt located at


Phone: +1 (877) 636 6738


There is a power equation and you can manipulate any part of the equation but on the other side of that equation, you will have total power needed or consumed and that will not change, unless you want things not to work or wear out sooner than they were designed to. If you want to lower your electricity bill you can always install solar panels from Blue Raven Solar, and start saving immediately.

I can get a 120V light bulb to work for at least a short while, but if the voltage is too much, the thing will burn out. I can play around with the current but things will either not work or stop working soon.

There is really only one way for anyone to save on electricity and that is not to use it, period. If anyone really wants to save on electricity, then use only one or just a few solar panels to create your own electricity. Solar panel systems can be custom-designed to serve the needs of just one or a few circuits but one does not need to spend $20,000 for an entire house system. A product like Powerbolt is not going to get you anywhere.

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Mar 20, 2024 at 7:36 PM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Plant City, Florida, United States

The only way such a device could save power is by blocking the outlets so you cannot plug anything else in..


Apr 15, 2023 at 2:00 PM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

The way the item is described it sounds more like a line conditioner, though I doubt one could fit in that little box. Line conditioners don’t save you money and can only condition power running through the line conditioner and out it’s built in power outlet. Not something plugged into a wall outlet. Looks like a scam.


Feb 28, 2023 at 4:45 PM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Redmond, Washington, United States

Yes, indeed this is a scam. I see the same exact reviews on different sites such as Pro Power Save. People go look at the reviews for StopWatt and Pro Power Save, they are exactly the same but with different people's names on them.


Feb 11, 2023 at 11:13 PM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Ingle, Florida, United States

You say it is a scam. But have you actually tried it first?


May 11, 2023 at 11:10 PM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Budd, Illinois, United States

if you know anything about electricity, you don't have to try a fraud like this. It's not capable pf saving anything.

Notice that the seller does not offer any independent reviews.


Jun 3, 2022 at 10:00 AM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, Indiana, United States

"Representations regarding the efficacy of StopWatt have not been substantiated. StopWatt cannot guarantee any specific monetary savings by using this product.

Copyright © 2021 StopWatt. All Rights Reserved."



May 31, 2022 at 10:24 AM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Pascagoula, Mississippi, United States

People actually believe this gadget works?

People, it’s just wishful thinking. Just a scam.

Save your money or donate to me instead.


May 28, 2022 at 9:04 AM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Winter Park, Florida, United States

If anyone believes this scam then I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. The only money you will save is if you DON’T buy this piece of junk.


Apr 25, 2022 at 7:10 PM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Florence, Oregon, United States

THANK YOU ALL! I finally found real reviews.


Mar 21, 2022 at 7:53 PM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: Clearwater, Florida, United States

Physics can NOT lie. IF electricity provides 100 kilowatts of power used in your air conditioner, then that is what you are billed for.

Physics does not lie: Even if the "device" did work, unlike the EU (where it was said to be developed) the US is on a 120/240 volt power grid for homes. This means that one would need TWO of these to clean their power if it actually does that. One for Each leg of the power to your home. You have two 120 volt legs that together can create 240 volts. The two are distinct and separate! Therefore 2 devices would be required and QED that is proof of FRAUD in the inducement of purchase. A crime and usually allows triple damages for the inducement.


Mar 2, 2022 at 2:27 PM by
Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review
an anonymous user from: East London, London, Ontario, Canada

All of the 'other' online "Reviews" have the disclaimer SPONSORED which mean its a paid ad, and not a review. This is the ONLY place where I have found truth about this scam.


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Is Stopwatt a Scam? Stop Watt Energy Saving Device Review