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PCH Company Scam Calls - Publishers Clearing House

Scammers are using automated calls or robocalls to contact potential victims, claiming they are winners in PCH. But, for those who do not know, PCH(Publishers Clearing House) does not call its big winners. Therefore, if you receive a telephone call, an email, or bulk mail letter saying you have won a big prize, it's a scam. All PCH prizes of $500 or greater are awarded by either certified or express letter or in person by the Prize Patrol.


The scammers are calling from 845-314-7219 but may call from other telephone numbers. Therefore, if you have received a PCH company scam call, please share by leaving a comment below. Remember to include the telephone number the call came from.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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