The website,, appears to be a scam. Hulu users are receiving the email message below, which appears to be a fake, instructing them to go to or (877) 526-1014 to confirm their identities. But, this appears to be a trick to steal personal or financial information from potential victims. The website,, is a newly registered domain name and the contact number listed in the email is not associated with Hulu.
The Email

Refund for Your Account and Subscription Update
We wanted to let you know that your account may have been accessed without your authorization, resulting in achange to your subscription. Hulu’s systems have not been breached; this likely occurred as a result of someone using your email/password combination gathered during a prior security event involving another company. To get this straightened out, we would like to offer you a refund for the additional cost of any potentially unauthorized changes. To get your refund, please visit or call (877) 526-1014 to confirm your identity and tell us how to refund you – either a mailing address to receive a check or information to receive your refund electronically by Paypal, Venmo, or Zelle.
Your reference number is 1617184. We are also updating your subscription to reflect the subscription we believe you signed up for. Keep an eye out for another email coming shortly with more details. In the meantime, you can always verify or make additional changes to your subscription from your Account page. There are many ways you can guard the security and confidentiality of your account, but one of the most important things to do is update your password regularly and follow our tips for creating a strong password when you do. With this in mind, we encourage you to verify your email address and change your password if you haven’t done so recently.
Thanks for watching,
The Hulu Team
Remember, Hulu should refund your account directly instead of asking for your information, let alone asking you to dial any numbers.