501 Area Code Scam Telephone Calls

501 Area Code Scam Telephone Calls

Scammers are calling potential victims from 501 area code telephone numbers. I received an automated call from telephone number 501-213-1872 where the recording claims the call is from Amazon and wanted to charge my credit card for an order I never placed. But, telephone number 501-213-1872 does not belong to Amazon.

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If you have received calls from 501 area code telephone numbers, please do not follow the instructions in the recordings, just hang up and report the numbers to your telephone provider. Also, share the messages and the telephone numbers the call came from. This will help info others so they do not become victims of these scammers who are always finding new ways of stealing money from their victims.

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Nov 23, 2022 at 6:03 AM by
501 Area Code Scam Telephone Calls
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

calls from 501 area code I block you and turn you in to proper authorities an hope they take your phone Privileges away don't treat your phone as a toy


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501 Area Code Scam Telephone Calls