437 Area Code Scam Calls - Beware

437 Area Code Scam Calls - Beware

I keep receiving calls from different 437 area code telephone numbers, daily. I know the callers are made by scammers because they keep asking for someone else and they claim I have won something or need to learn more about some money-making scheme. It is hard to block the calls because they are randomly coming from different 437 area code telephone numbers.

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If you have received similar calls, please do not follow the callers' instructions, just hang, and try reporting the call to your telephone service provider. Hopefully, they can help.

If you have received similar calls, please share your experience below, along with the 437 number the call came from.

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Jul. 12, 2023 at 2:50 PM by
437 Area Code Scam Calls - Beware
an anonymous user from: San Diego, California, United States

Took a call from 437-419-4225. A male voice pretended to be my grandson. He sure didn't sound like my grandson. I asked him which jail he was in now, but he hung up without telling me. It was the old "grandson in trouble and needs money" scam I'm guessing.


Apr. 3, 2023 at 11:41 AM by
437 Area Code Scam Calls - Beware
an anonymous user from: Wakefield, New Brunswick, Canada

437 838 2055 is a scam jammer from the greater Toronto area, he is deceitful and rude, pushy and very obnoxious! BEWARE! I have blocked this number and will never answer a 437 number again, this man tramatized me and now I have to go to Toronto and find him and traumatized him, see you later 437


Mar. 23, 2023 at 6:12 PM by
437 Area Code Scam Calls - Beware
an anonymous user from: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

Don't answer any calls from area code 437!


Feb. 2, 2023 at 12:55 PM by
437 Area Code Scam Calls - Beware
an anonymous user from: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

be aware as it states hI there I proceeded your payment earlier you should receive it shortly


Oct. 12, 2022 at 2:16 PM by
437 Area Code Scam Calls - Beware
an anonymous user from: Gillette, Wyoming, United States

htxxp://wyyaov.com/Bi1TGhepL8 is the link sent by the scammers


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437 Area Code Scam Calls - Beware