Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway

Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway

The fake Group Me or GroupMe message below, which claims recipients will be sent a free iPad Pro, is a scam. The fake message is being sent by online scammers who are attempting to trick potential victims into visiting their fake websites. GroupMe users who have received the fake message are asked to delete it.

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The Group Me iPad Giveaway Scam

Group Me iPad Giveaway Scam

Groupme Free iPhone Scam -  Group me iPad Giveaway Scam

GroupMe Support

Hello! We sent you a FREE iPhone 11 Pro

Congratulations! Claim now.


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May. 5, 2022 at 10:40 PM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Phoenix, Arizona, United States

I would like to know if we MUST delete the GroupMe app if we receive this message. And what will happen if I don't delete the GroupMe app after I have received this message.


May. 2, 2022 at 8:28 PM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

What if its from someone with a name? Like Barbara Manager-


Dec. 31, 2021 at 11:19 PM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Calaveras County, Copperopolis, California, United States

I just wanna know is this a scam or not bec I get this all the time and I almost pay for the shipping and stuff until I started thinking and now I dont know if I wanna do it or not so I just wanna know is this a scam or not


Dec. 31, 2021 at 11:17 PM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Calaveras County, Copperopolis, California, United States

I just wanna know if this a scam or not


Jan. 1, 2022 at 12:21 AM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway

It is a scam.


Nov. 13, 2021 at 4:42 PM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Bath County, Carloover, Virginia, United States

I just received a message stating that I was a winner of a brand new IPad Pro Air 2021. This I entered my name, mailing address and a phone number. Then they asked for a card number for a payment of a one-time small fee. This is when I realized it was a scam and backed up out of it. How do I secure my GroupMe account from receiving scam messages like this is the near future?


May. 2, 2022 at 8:40 AM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Richmond, Virginia, United States

I got a message from Barbara saying I won a free iPad Pro, being the Idiot I am I taped the link and it brought me to safari, I was super excited. I thought that I had just won a I pad, the moment I realized it needed a credit card, for a “small fee” I backed out, and I’m lucky I did!


Nov. 10, 2021 at 1:59 PM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Harris County, Houston, Texas, United States

Just receive this scam, came in as direct message

Katherine (Manager)

Соngratulatiоns! 🏆 🏆 🏆

Yоu are onе оf the 100 usеrs we have selесtеd tо try tо win thе Арplе iРad Pro &Magic Kеybоard Аррlе TV 12 Months.

Rесеive Now ➡️➡️➡️

Hurry uр tо pick up yоur prize tоday! ⏳⏳⏳


Oct. 10, 2021 at 7:47 PM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

Thank you so much, I just got the message. It was extremely helpful.


Aug. 31, 2021 at 12:18 AM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Somerset, Bedminster, New Jersey, United States

I received a message from Jocelyn, I knew it was fake. I just wanted to make others aware.


Jul. 30, 2021 at 6:12 PM by
Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Somerset, Bedminster, New Jersey, United States

Be alert. They tell you you only have to pay $2 or some ridiculously low amount for postage. Not true. $49.95 is more like it!

be savy and do not get sucked in.


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Groupme iPad Pro Winner Scam - Free iPhone Giveaway