Restofinisher located at is untrustworthy. The Wood Finish Restorer product you see on their ad is NOT what you get. The product you get just says "Wood Finish Restorer", no ingredient list, no UPC code, no manufacturer name, no address, no instructions on the bottle, just Made In China. The paper insert states it needs 30-40 minutes of OPEN AIR ventilation when using the product, but no way am I going to use a product that doesn't have an ingredient list on it.
About Restofinisher Wood Finish Restorer

1771 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC V6G 1C9, Canada
United Kingdom
415 High Street, Stratford, London
NWM E15 4QZ, United Kingdom
131 Keylana Drive, Keysborough
VIC 3173, Australia
Telephone number: 1 (531) 204-2238
I was able to get a partial refund but my email was added to their spam distribution program and it took over a week of daily complaints and the BBB to get my email removed. When I clicked on “unsubcribe” on their ad page, my computer refused to go any further stating the website I was heading to was “unsafe”.