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Takealot Giveaway Scam Survey and Prize

The Takealot customer rewards program below is another scam doing its round. Takealot strongly recommends that you do not engage with this in any form. If you come across any suspicious communication or Takealot survey scam, please feel free to reach out to Takealot to validate its authenticity. The Takealot survey scam convinces potential victims to call a telephone number and answer questions. But, calling the number will only rob potential victims of their credit balance of airtime in their cellphone accounts.


The Takealot Giveaway Scam

TYou have been chosen to participate in our survey. It will only take you a minute and you will receive a fantastic prize a Samsung..

TakeAlot is aware of the scam and have posted the following alert to inform the public:

"We have been made aware of a fraudulent TakeAlot Customer Survey and Prize giveaway doing the rounds. Please note that this is not official communication and is in fact a scam."

To contact TakeAlot, please use the following link:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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