McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation Scam

McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation Scam

The "McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation" email below, which asks recipients to call the fake McAfee customer service telephone number: 1-833-257-7571, is a scam. The fake email is being sent by cybercriminals who are attempting to trick their potential victims into giving them access to their computers, and stealing their account credentials, personal and financial information.

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The "McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation" Scam

From: Notification

Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2021 10:54:58 AM

Subject: Order Confirmation


Invoice ID: 5888MCAF3368B5414

For any querry please contact our support team +1(833)257-7571.

700 St, 19 E,

TX 75024, USA

Date: 19/06/2021




Unite price



McAfee® Total Protection, 1 Device, 1 Yr Subscription

(Includes: Premium antivirus, safe web browsing and PC optimizations.)



Tax ( 6.25 % )

$ 49.99


$ 349.99

Purchase Order Details:

We charged you $ 349.99 for the 12-month subscription of the above services. Our technical and billing team tried to contact you on your registered number. Deduction of your amount will appear on your account within 24 hours.

If your concern is regarding to cancellation or activation of these services. Please contact to our customer support team at +1(833)257-7571 within 24 hours.

For more information please contact on our given number.

Thanks again!

We look forward to serving you for many years to come.

Please read Terms and Conditions.

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Jan. 31, 2025 at 10:31 PM by
McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation Scam

1(833)791-4203 is another number being used by scammers.


Oct. 26, 2022 at 10:37 AM by
McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation Scam

Received this scam:

"View Your Online Subscription Renew - Full Detail In Your Mail Box

PAID Receipt.

McAfee US

Your Invoice No :- MC32665178

Good Morning Dear,

Thank you for using McAfee LLC.

Your Billing Details

Shipping Mode : Online Delivery (Email)

Payment Mode : Auto Charge.

Validity : 2 Years

We have charged you for the initiating the most recent protection on your PC. This network protection will be initiated for 2 years.

Your Product Details

Product Name McAfee PC Protection

Total Amount $449.79

Transaction Date October 24, 2022

Product Code (MC/478934)

Order Status Delivered

Quantity 1 (2 Years)

If you wish to claim a REFUND, kindly Contact our

Billing Department as soon as possible

You can reach us at : 1 (518) 282-4674

You have a right to withdraw from your purchase and request a refund within 24 hours from the date of purchase. Please reach our customer support and follow the instructions to recieve a refund for your purchase."


Feb. 22, 2022 at 7:27 AM by
McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation Scam

I received this scam:

"From: _donotreply_ <>

Date: 2/18/22 6:53 AM (GMT-05:00)

Subject: 653543543_Upgrade Processed

Dear Customer,                                                                                 Order # 03983-J39

Your subscription with McAfee has been renewed today. Amount has been directly debited from your Bank Account and it will reflect in your account statement within 24-48 hours.

If you are happy with McAfee services. Don't forget to give a feedback.

Product Details:

McAfee® Total Protection

Quantity: 1

Tenure: 1 year

Renewal Amount: $279.90 (for 1 PC)

If you do not wish to renew the subscription please contact our cancellation department immediately and get back your refund @ 

Terms and Conditions:

The payment has been cleared and will appear in the accounts statement within 24-48 hours. You are receiving this notice because you are enrolled with McAfee® Total Protection & your subscription has been auto-renewed. However, if you do not wish to continue with the service or want a refund of this amount. Kindly contact our helpline number"


Sep. 23, 2021 at 12:22 PM by
McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation Scam
an anonymous user from: DuPage, Naperville, Illinois, United States

I got this kind of email today and I called the ph# 844 483 1499 given on the email, it was so noisy call center in different country.

The guy asked me to go to the site teamviewer something and wanted to view my laptop, I found it suspicion and canceled the call. Its a scam, I responded to the email saying I did not sign up for the services and cancel and refund my account, hope nothing happens to my laptop.


Jun. 26, 2021 at 2:35 AM by
McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation Scam
an anonymous user from: Burlington, Mt Laurel, New Jersey, United States

I got this today:

Auto Debit Alert! Your one-time payment was successful.

Order Confirmation

Thanks for trusting McAfee,

Your Order Confirmation is #CS1290430786

Order received on Friday, June 25, 2021

Order SummaryMcAfee® Total Protection

Starts: Friday, June 25, 2021

Expires: Friday, June 24, 2022$249 for 1 year

you saved $50 on your 1st term subscription.

Current renewal price $300/yrSubtotal:$249.99Sales Tax$4.87

Total: $254.86

Note: If you did not place this order please call us on 1(855) 443-8314 to report this to our fraud protection team.


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McAfee Total Protection Order Confirmation Scam