I got what appears to be an official voicemail from a woman named Janis James or Janet James who identified herself as agent #1691 calling from "The Student Assist Network" from telephone number 888-719-2635. Janis left me a voice message saying that she works on some type of student loan forgiveness program and if I would call her back she can help me with a "student aid forgiveness program" for my student aid loans, but that the program is a "first come first served" and limited, so she advised calling her back right away. But, I happen to know that these types of student forgiveness loans only come from official government agencies. So this is a total scam! Block and report the telephone number.
Here is a transcript of the voicemail:
"Hi this is Janis James from The student Assist Network, my agent id is 1691 and my number is 888-719-2635. Um, I'm just calling to let you know that your student aid is qualified for the forgiveness program, we may be able to grant you a partial or a full forgiveness package but I'd like you to know that this program has limited openings and in a first-come, first-served basis, so call me back soon to finalize the details and again my number is 888-719-2635. You could talk to me or any of the reps to finalize your file. Thank you."
If you have any information about this Student Assist Network scam, please post it in a comment below to help others.