Is US Domain Authority a Scam?

Is US Domain Authority a Scam?

US Domain Authority or United States Domain Authority located at is attempting to collect a fake domain renewal via a deceptive scheme. This deceptive scheme has been around for ages and even after repeated reports against websites like US Domain Authority that have deceived people with the BBB, the Attorney General's office, the FCC, etc, somehow they are still in operation. All the website operators do is change their names.

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The US Domain Authority Letter

US Domain Authority Scam Letter

US Domain Authority

PO Box 2363

Hendersonville, NC 28793

(360) 842-0196

How US Domain Authority Operates

This US Domain Authority sends "renewal" notices (via U.S. mail) to people who are not their customers. They get the expiration dates correct (which can be found with a simple search) so it looks legitimate. They also use important-looking stationary with American flags and official but vague language implying that you are already a customer. Even the company's name implies that they are somehow the official gatekeeper of domain names in the U.S.

Some inexperienced website owners sometimes end up filling out the paperwork, sending in their credit card numbers, and inadvertently transferring their domain name to US Domain Authority. This usually means they end up paying a higher fee for the domain name.

Is what they are doing illegal? I don't think so, although numerous lawsuits have surfaced over this tactic. However, it is obviously unethical and deceptive. So if you receive a "renewal" notice from US Domain Authority, do not send it in.

A website called Domain Registry of America a few years ago ran a similar deceptive scheme.

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Apr. 8, 2022 at 7:08 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Concord, California, United States

Now they are calling themselves New Look, same payment PO Box.


Apr. 8, 2022 at 5:28 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Santa Cruz County, Boulder Creek, California, United States

Domain Networks scam. They want me to pay $289.00


Mar. 30, 2022 at 5:39 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Broomfield, Colorado, United States


Now they have a new name, but still the same scammers.

Domain Networks

PO Box 1280

Hendersonville, MC 28793

Funny enough their Registered Agent (High Desert Corporate Filings LLC -which is another questionable service-) and the support phone are in New Mexico (area code 505), but the money they ask goes to NC.



Mar. 22, 2022 at 1:29 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Los Angeles, California, United States

These people's actual phone number is (866) 811-1553.


Feb. 1, 2022 at 12:13 AM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
info is now being used by scammers.


Jan. 10, 2022 at 3:26 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: San Jose, California, United States

They are now using a return address of PO Box 1280 Hendersonville, MC 28793 which shows up as an oil change place. Phone number is the same Washington State number. Can file complaints with both NC and WA.


Dec. 1, 2021 at 2:29 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: East Carroll Parish, Roosevelt, Louisiana, United States

I received one today and just before I made a cc payment I decided to look into its authenticity, thankfully! I am so greatful to the posts concerning this scam that looks to be sooo authentic or I would have just thrown away $289!


Nov. 30, 2021 at 2:37 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Catawba County, Hickory, Nc, United States

It says in the fine print that they have a directory, but I can’t find that that’s true either. Not on their website. They do nothing for the money they get. Clearly fraud. Need to get the sheriff after them.


Sep. 5, 2021 at 4:07 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Hawkins County, Surgoinsville, Tennessee, United States

I just received a United States domain authority annual website domain listing renewal for the amount of $289 this weekend in the mail. This this is absolutely unreal at how fand how far scammers will go we'll go to get your information and your money . Needless to say I am not filling this out and sending anybody my information or order my money please be careful out there people and protect yourself and your money


Sep. 3, 2021 at 11:48 AM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Hawkins County, Surgoinsville, Tennessee, United States

How come the police don't have them yet? I just received this twice.


Sep. 2, 2021 at 1:38 PM by
Is US Domain Authority a Scam?
an anonymous user from: North Juanita, Kirkland, Washington, United States

Cut off all your info and mail back to them with no stamp. A small victory but feels so good. If they get thousands back with no stamp, they will have to pay $.55 cents times thousands to go through them to find any with CC numbers.


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Is US Domain Authority a Scam?