Mrb1k org Scam - MrBeast $1000 Giveaway

Mrb1k org Scam - MrBeast $1000 Giveaway

Mrb1k located at and is a scam. The fake giveaway, which attempts to trick potential victims into visiting malicious survey websites that phish for personal information and installing malicious apps, was created by scammers. If you have gotten the scam, please do not follow the instructions because you will never get what you promised and risk infecting your mobile device with malware.

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The Mrb1k Scam and MrBeast Giveaway

The Mrb1k Scam and MrBeast Giveaway Website

The Mrb1k Scam - MrBeast Giveaway Website

This is your lucky Day ! >

Today I annouce to you guys my new giveaway to all my youtube subscribers :) Why this giveaway? Because I love you guys, simple as that.So the giveaway is a free 1000$

sent by me MrBeast to you guys; each one of you will get 1000$ on his Cashapp or Paypal account.So what are you waiting guys? Click the button below and enter the

giveaway NOW!

This offer will expire in:

2 Hours 51 Minutes 56 Seconds

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May 23, 2021 at 7:40 AM by
Mrb1k org Scam - MrBeast $1000 Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Central Business District, Buffalo, New York, United States

I visited the website to check it out yk but I didn’t download the apps. Is my phone safe? If not how do I get rid of it?


May 23, 2021 at 9:58 AM by
Mrb1k org Scam - MrBeast $1000 Giveaway

Once you did not download an app or gave them your information, you should be ok.


May 21, 2021 at 8:17 AM by
Mrb1k org Scam - MrBeast $1000 Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Cambria, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States

I got this as a YouTube ad. Be careful! If it seems sketchy, it probably is!


May 21, 2021 at 8:11 AM by
Mrb1k org Scam - MrBeast $1000 Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Cabarrus, Harrisburg, North Carolina, United States

This popped up on a YouTube Ad for me. Looks really official but if you put any thought into it, you’d wonder why MrBeast did something like this, but didn’t say anything about it.


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Mrb1k org Scam - MrBeast $1000 Giveaway