The fake and malicious DHL text message below is being sent by cybercriminals to potential victims. The fake text, which pretends to be from DHL claiming the recipients' parcel is arriving and they need to download an app in order to track it, contains a malicious link. The malicious link downloads a malicious Android app(.apk) called Flubot, which will infect the potential victims' mobile devices. Once installed, the malicious app can steal account credentials, personal and banking information. It can also send the same fake and malicious text message to all the contacts on the infected mobile device.
The "DHL Your Parcel is Arriving Track Here" Scam Text

DHL: Your parcel is arriving, track here: hxxp://demo.mipunet .cn/a/?lrwlao8eo66
If have you received the same text message, please do not click the link in it. Just report it by forwarding it to 7726 and remove the text from your phone. Network operator Vodafone said millions of the fake DHL text messages have already being sent across all their networks.
If you have already clicked the link, downloaded and installed the malicious app(Flubot), please have someone tech-savvy, preferrable a professional, back up the information on your mobile device, factory reset it, and then restore your backup information.
Never click on a link to download DHL's Android app, always go directly to the Google Play Store and search for "DHL" and install the "DHL Express Mobile" app. This is the safest way to prevent your mobile device from getting infected with malware.