The telephone number 1 844 854 1535 is a fake. The fake technical support or customer service number is being used by cybercriminals to trick their potential victims into calling them. The cybercriminals send fake email invoices like the one below claiming their potential victims were charged and ask them to call 1-844-854-1535 in order to dispute the charges.
A Fake Email Invoice Linked to 1-844-854-1535
From: BiIIing
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 11:22:33 AM
Subject: Order No #GHC760 🚚
Your 0rder | Your AccountP
0rder - Confirmation
We're glad to tell you that the item you've pIaced is ready to be deIivered. You can see the pIaced 0rder detaiIs in your recent activity Iist. Your 0rder tracking number is 910021548562354. Make sure your shipping information is correct. Our Community Guidelines will help you use Community features, including Customer Reviews, Customer Questions & Answers, Follow, Profile pages and Lists.
Arriving in 3-5 days
Your shipping speed:
FREE shipping on eligible order
Order will be sent to:
Tracie Morris
352 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas,
NV 89109, United States
0rder Summary:
lnvoice #958456251484
JBL BAR51 Dolby Digital DTS with (Wireless Speakers and subwoofer & 4k Surround Sound) 510 W Bluetooth Soundbar (Black, 5.1 Channel)
lnvoice #625412548954
Bose Quite Comfort Earbuds Bluetooth Headset (Soapstone, True Wireless)
0rder TotaI
Need to make changes to your 0rdered ltems? Visit or caII our HeIpIine No 1-844-854-1535 for more information.
Thank You
If the potential victims contact the cybercriminals, they will be asked for account credentials, personal and financial information. If the requested information is given to the cybercriminals, they will use it fraudulently. Therefore, if you are instructed to call 1 844 854 1535, please do not.