Takealot Survey Competition Scam - Customer Prize Giveaway

Takealot Survey Competition Scam - Customer Prize Giveaway

Takealot has posted the following survey scam alert below. The Takealot scam is about a website called Duttii located at duttii.com. The website is a fake and malicious survey website. The fake website is operated by scammers who disguise it as a Takealot giveaway of Samsung Galaxy phones. The scammers convince potential victims to call a telephone number and answer questions. But, calling the number will only rob potential victims of their credit balance of airtime in their cellphone accounts.

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The Takealot Survey Competition Scam

Takealot Survey Competition Scam

Today, 28 March, 2021, you have been chosen to participate in our survey. It will only take you a minute and you will receive a fantastic prize a Samsung..

TakeAlot is aware of the scam and have posted the following alert to inform the public:

"We have been made aware of a fraudulent TakeAlot Customer Survey and Prize giveaway doing the rounds. Please note that this is not official takealot.com communication and is in fact a scam."

These are some of the links associated with the Duttii scam:

  • hxxps://duttii.com/mwn6ywvu
  • hxxps://j1u6-whatsapp.wewiwin.com/
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May. 26, 2021 at 3:15 AM by
Takealot Survey Competition Scam - Customer Prize Giveaway
an anonymous user from: Johannesburg, Bryanston, Gauteng, South Africa

I have just clicked on the link to complete the Takealot Survey not knowing this was a scam and would like to know will happen now as I did click on the link and completed the survey however I never invited any friends and groups as requested.


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Takealot Survey Competition Scam - Customer Prize Giveaway