Tesco 75th Anniversary Scam, Gift Bags and £75 Voucher

Tesco 75th Anniversary Scam, Gift Bags and £75 Voucher

The fake "Tesco 75th Anniversary" post below is another Tesco Facebook scam. Therefore, Facebook users who have received it are asked not to "like", share, or comment on it. They should just delete it. The fake Tesco Facebook post tricked Facebook users into interacting with it by claiming they can free get gift bags and £75 vouchers from Tesco PLC as part of the company's 75th birthday celebration. But, there is no such celebration or promotion.

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The Tesco 75th Anniversary Scam

Tesco Facebook Scam - Free Grocery Box for Everyone

Tesco is going to celebrate its 75th anniversary on March 25, 2021, and in odrer to help our loyal customers every single person who has shared & commented before 8pm Thursday will be sent one of these gift bags containing a 75 voucher plus surprises that will make your heart flutter!

If you have commented on, share or like the fake Facebook post, please remove your comment, "unshare", "unlike", and delete or block the post.

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Tesco 75th Anniversary Scam, Gift Bags and £75 Voucher