007-803-321-2130 Netflix Account Scams

007-803-321-2130 Netflix Account Scams

Netflix users who have received fake Netflix emails like the one below that contains a 007-803-321-2130 telephone number, are asked not to click the link in them. This is because the fake text messages are being sent by online scammers and not Netflix. The link in the fake message goes to a phishing website that steals account credentials, personal and financial information.

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An 007-803-321-2130 Netflix Account Scam

From: NetfIix Q1rxmjZZUWtN8rH-6NqiE1PwTbnU87fc@vGsXG9yY-73624845.darus.xyz

Sent: Mon, Mar 1, 2021 10:42 pm

Subject: NetfIIx ID Suspended

Yоuᴦ аccоuոt іѕ оո hоΙd .

РΙeаѕe uраte уоuᴦ рауmeոt detаіΙѕ.gwVGjxj

Hello Customer,

We'ᴦe hаvіոց ѕоme tᴦоubΙe ԝіth уоur curreոt bіΙΙіոց іոfоᴦmаtіоո. WоuΙd уоu Ιіke tо retrу ruոոіոց уоuᴦ ⅽаᴦrd аցаіո?v7477JHpm



Need help? We’re here if you need it. Visit the Help Center or contact us now.

–Your friends at NetflixgwVGjxj

Questions? Call 007-803-321-2130

Netflix users should never click on a link to sign into their online accounts. They should always go directly to https://www.netflix.com/ and sign into their accounts from there. Once they have signed in, they will be notified of changes, verifications or updates that need to be done to their accounts.

Netflix users who have already been tricked by the phishing text or email tmessages should change their passwords and contact Netflix immediately for help.

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Mar 16, 2025 at 9:34 PM by
007-803-321-2130 Netflix Account Scams
an anonymous user from: Loudoun, Ashburn, Virginia, United States

Me and My parents got one and I knew right off bat that it was fake because mines through a plan. If you have Netflix through a plan check with that first then go to the email. Also found it funny how they target a streaming service that had already took a hit with the loss of customers so this shows it's a bunch of idiots doing this probably non english people too.


Dec 5, 2022 at 4:40 AM by
007-803-321-2130 Netflix Account Scams
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

I got the same Netflix text message from 007-803-321-357. The message had a link to take care of my account so I Googled the number and ended up here.I didn't go to the link.I also get the same messages about Amazon from a different number. DON'T FALL FOR THE LINK!


Jun 28, 2021 at 3:24 PM by
007-803-321-2130 Netflix Account Scams
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

I was sent an email informing me that my Netflix, account is on hold. I never had a Netflix, account, this tells me it's another scam. People should be told of this new scam.


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007-803-321-2130 Netflix Account Scams