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Eversource Scam Calls Threaten Disconnection Due to Non-Payment

Scammers are calling Eversource customers and are attempting to trick them into calling a fake Eversource customer support number. If the scammers are called, they will attempt to trick Eversource customers and demand payment. The voicemail scam call below is an example, and although it may sound convincing, it’s NOT. Scammers often pretend to be with Eversource and threaten to disconnect your power without immediate payment. But, remember, never share your personal info, don't panic, and don't pay!


An Eversource Scam Call (Transcript)

"Good day welcome to eversource, this is an automated call to inform you that your account reflects a disconnection order taking place today due to non-payment history. Press 2 to be transferred to our billing department or please contact us at 203-364-7728 to avoid the disconnection. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you, thank you for choosing eversource"

How to Protect Yourself

If you receive a phone call without prior notification demanding immediate payment to avoid shut off, it's likely a scam.

Other Common Scams

Ways Eversource Helps Protect You From Scams

How To Protect Yourself

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