Instaportal Scam Instagram Account Hacker

Instaportal Scam Instagram Account Hacker

Instaportal located at is a scam. The website tricks visitors into believing they can hack Instagram accounts, but all it does is pretend as if it doing something. After showing progress bars, which it does to pretend as if it is doing something, will claim the accounts were hacked and then take visitors to a phishing website that requests payment before they hand over the hacked information. But, if the payment is made, the personal and financial information will be stolen and used fraudulently, and visitors will never receive the hacked information they were promised.

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About Instaportal Instagram Account Hacker

Instaportal located at

Althougt Instaportal is a scam, websites like it are illegal and you should not use their service. Hacking any information is a criminals offence and you can fine up to $5000 or serve prison term of up to 5 years.

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Mar 15, 2021 at 4:19 AM by
Instaportal Scam Instagram Account Hacker
an anonymous user from: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Wait, so those spam bots on YouTube are also hacked accounts or just regular bots?


Apr 19, 2021 at 2:50 AM by
Instaportal Scam Instagram Account Hacker
an anonymous user from: Europapark, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands

You can't magically hack an Instagram account with the push of a button, and the same goes for Google/Youtube accounts. Those are not hacked accounts. They are created with the sole purpose of posting spam on Youtube.


Mar 15, 2021 at 9:24 AM by
Instaportal Scam Instagram Account Hacker

Some of them are while others are fake accounts.


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Instaportal Scam Instagram Account Hacker