202-470-0967 Scam - Fake PayPal Telephone Number

202-470-0967 Scam - Fake PayPal Telephone Number

The telephone number 202-470-0967 is a fake PayPal customer/technical support number. The fake telephone is being used by scammers to trick their potential victims into calling them. Below is a fake "Payment Deduction Alert" PayPal email that is being sent by scammers to trick their potential victims into calling them at (202)470-0967. If you have received the email below, please do not follow the instructions in it and do not call (202) 470-0967.

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The "PayPal Payment Deduction Alert" Scam

From: Accounts PayPal [speechdecrease4630@gmail.com]

Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:18:17 PM EST

Subject: Payment Deduction Alert



We're glad to receive your order. Your order is already processed. Thank you for purchasing with us.

February 03 2021

Purchase ID: 7254698162R

It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.

Your order at Bitcoin Exchange.(357321)






Issues with this transation?

You have 24 hours from the date of the transaction to open a dispute.

(202) 470-0967

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not recive a response. For assistance Call (202) 470-0967

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May 12, 2021 at 7:26 AM by
202-470-0967 Scam - Fake PayPal Telephone Number
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

I received email from Tech America on May 7. Regards Pay Pal Membership. PH # is



Feb 17, 2021 at 11:12 AM by
202-470-0967 Scam - Fake PayPal Telephone Number
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

Received this attempted scam. Not from PayPal.

From: "Marcus Jr. Newman via Intellicom Retail" <char... [Add to Address Book]

To: "james940@earthlink.net" <james940@earthlink.net>

Subject: Thank you for your order #INV 390229 Order Confirmed.

Date: Feb 17, 2021 9:30 AM

Untitled 1


Payment Successfully made

Payment for order no.743799 has been accepted.

Currently your payment is being verified.After verification the supplier will process your order.

Order Description Saint Pistol (Nova Armory)

TRX NO : 65760

We confirm that you have sent a payment to NOVA ARMORY of $450.00 via PayPal.


Your PayPal Team

1 202 697 9592


Feb 11, 2021 at 11:32 AM by
202-470-0967 Scam - Fake PayPal Telephone Number
an anonymous user from: Santa Clara, San Jose, California, United States

Here's the scam message I received. I checked my PayPal, nothing was deducted. Of course, did not call the scam phone number.


Payment Successfully made

Payment for order no.743799 has been accepted.

Currently your payment is being verified.After verification the supplier will process your order.

Order Description Saint Pistol (Nova Armory)

TRX NO : 65760

We confirm that you have sent a payment to NOVA ARMORY of $450.00 via PayPal.


Your PayPal Team

1 202 697 9592


Feb 4, 2021 at 6:27 PM by
202-470-0967 Scam - Fake PayPal Telephone Number
an anonymous user from: Burlington, Mt Laurel, New Jersey, United States

I got the similar one:



Your purchase is appreciated by our entire team. We thank you for your order.

You have 24 Hours from the date of the transaction to open a dispute. For assistance Call (202) 470-0967

Purchase ID:


Invoice Date:

February 04 2021

Total Amount



Bitcoin Exchange


Instructions to merchant

You do not have any special instruction for the merchant.


Unit Price



Your Order at Bitcoin Exchange.(357321)




Payment Method:


Subtotal: 499.98

Payment: 499.98

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not recive a response. For assistance Call (202) 470-0967


Feb 4, 2021 at 1:11 PM by
202-470-0967 Scam - Fake PayPal Telephone Number
an anonymous user from: Hennepin, Minnetonka, Minnesota, United States

I got an email with this information: Recently,there's has been activity in your Paypal Account thats seems Unusual compared to your normal activity.

Update Needed!

This Charge will appear in your statement as payment to 'PayPal'.

Seller Nova Armory

Discription Saint Pistol

Qty 1

Amount $450.00

Do you Confirm this Payment?

If this payment is not made by you please take the following steps.

1.Reach our Fraud Department on 202 697 9592.

2.We will refund your money to you and the payment will me deleted from the transaction history.

Your PayPal Team,

202 697 9592

This appears to be a scam but when we called Paypal to report this, they stated that was a legitimate number. What are your thoughts. I did call the number and was talking to someone from India who stated someone had broken into my paypal account and asked me to download an app on my computer so they could transfer me to the fraud department. I did not do that and hung up on them. I canceled my care


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202-470-0967 Scam - Fake PayPal Telephone Number