Trackpackage01 Scam - Delivery Truck Hold Package or Parcel

Trackpackage01 Scam - Delivery Truck Hold Package or Parcel

The fake text message below, with a link that goes to, is a scam and fake. The fake message is being sent by online scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims into visiting a phishing website that steals account credentials, personal and financial information.

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The Trackpackage01 Scam

From: 786-423-0533

Dear [name], Our delivery truck was at your door this morning but you weren't at home 😔! We can hold your package for 3 more hours until we return it to the sender! Please tell us here ➡️ ⬅️ when we can return with your package! PS. The reason for returning your parcel is due to the high value of it!

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Trackpackage01 Scam - Delivery Truck Hold Package or Parcel