Is a Scam? Novel Den eBook Service

Is a Scam? Novel Den eBook Service

I hereby request a refund of the amount of 57.96 Euros that was withdrawn from my account without my consent from Novel Den at I don't know about charge and why it was made. That is why I ask you to return the same amount to me. Thank you for resolving the return. Has anyone been charged by Novel Den without their consent? If so, please share your experience by leaving a comment below.

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May 2, 2021 at 6:33 PM by
Is a Scam? Novel Den eBook Service
an anonymous user from: St Heliers, Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

There was money taken out of my account without my knowledge for the amount of $104.67 what was this for


Apr 23, 2021 at 12:24 PM by
Is a Scam? Novel Den eBook Service
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I need to get in touch with the fruad website as they took money with out permission but has now left me extremely broke and don't receive money till weds and don't need this headache. I need my money refunded asap


Apr 20, 2021 at 8:24 PM by
Is a Scam? Novel Den eBook Service
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Need the money returned to my ac today never was any permission given for U to do this my bank has been notified and I will go to the police if it's not returned an available by 5pm today as that's my food money you took so I'm deadly serious Craig obrien


Apr 20, 2021 at 7:48 PM by
Is a Scam? Novel Den eBook Service
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I need my money refunded back to my st George bank account to asap as I never said U can do this to me yo dog c***s I've contacted my bank the cops are next


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Is a Scam? Novel Den eBook Service