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Eagerforge Package Shipment Tracking Scam Text Message

The fake Shipment Tracking text message below with a link to is a scam being used by scammers to trick potential victims. The link goes to a fake United States Postal Service or other phishing websites that trick potential victims into completing surveys that promise a MacBook Pro and other electronic devices. Completing the surveys will only send potential victims' information to the scammers who will use it fraudulently.


The Eagerforge Shipment Tracking Text

From: (808) 927-7896

Package Tracking: Hi, your package with tracking number TX357Z46 is waiting for you to check the shipment address:

If you have received the Eagerforge Package Shipment Tracking scam text, do not click the link in it, share in a comnment below to help warn others, then delete it.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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