Are Your Kids Safe with Technology?

Are Your Kids Safe with Technology?

From the numerous on-demand options on television to the lure of smartphones, and from the availability of attractive tablet computers to the enticing websites on the internet, the amount of content created by the communication carriers is mind-boggling. Today kids prefer playing with technological toys rather than with physical toys like LEGO blocks. There is no dearth of options on how kids should spend their time. But the question that begs to be answered is – Are your kids safe with technology? No, so what can be done? One option is to allow kids to engage with technology but with parental control in place.

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What is Parental Control Technology?

Technology has led to large-scale parental anxiety. What children should be watching on television? What are the websites they visit? Who they are chatting with? To address these issues, specific technology has been created that gives control to parents over the usage of services and devices by kids.

Parental control technology refers to a wide array of hardware and software solutions that parents can use to restrict content that children can access and the people they can communicate with.

What’s the Challenge?

Parental control options are diversified, depending on the medium, service provider, and the technology itself. Therein lies the challenge. Selecting the best way to protect a child from adult content is non-accessibility which can be tough sometimes. One of the professional essay writing help services, recommends that parents learn about social media technologies to understand the risks to their children, ask children daily about their computer use and educate them on the dangers of sharing too much information either online or via text and email.

Tips for Parental Control:

Talk to your children regarding what sites you think they should access and the ones they should stay away from. Do some basic research and find out more about the websites they prefer. If possible, surf with them. Going online with your child not only helps you see what he or she is doing on the Internet but also allows you the chance to educate him or her on safe practices. Ensure that your children NEVER give out personal info on the web to strangers. This includes addresses, phone numbers, email ids, passwords, and credit card numbers.

Check the on-demand content available on your cable television service to pick and choose the channels you want.

The home computer should be set up in a location that’s central and open so that Internet use can be monitored. Sheltering your children completely is not a solution. More and more homework is being assigned online in today’s world and if you have some difficulties with solving tasks, you can always use custom writing service and all your problems will be solved. The keyword is "balance".

Remember that there cannot be a substitute for YOU. Just like your kid is not permitted to swim on his own, go to the mall without company, and be left home alone, one can't let him or her loose as far as technology is concerned. Technology and horses are somewhat similar. They are both fascinating and intimidating. But sometimes, both have to be reined in.

It’s always a good option for kids to play with technology-safe toys. For instance, Leapfrog toys have kid-safe tablets that allow kids to surf the internet and use Wi-Fi but also allow parents to add parental controls. Parents can even connect to the online Leapfrog site and keep track of their child’s progress and what they are doing.

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Are Your Kids Safe with Technology?