7074305169 Scam Calls or Text Messages - 707-430-5169

7074305169 Scam Calls or Text Messages - 707-430-5169

If you are getting scam calls or texts from 7074305169 or asked to call the telephone number, please share by leaving a comment below. We will update this alert if we get more information.

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Dec. 15, 2022 at 10:27 AM by an anonymous user from: Orange, Chester, New York, United States

Received phone call with this number on caller i.d., didn't pick up the phone and no message was left.


Nov. 7, 2021 at 2:48 PM by an anonymous user from: Riverside, Moreno Valley, California, United States

I received a text message saying EBT Notice call us immediately at 707 430 5169/MVW584SQM.

I am not a EBT recipient, although a relative of mine is. I was going to tell her that I had received this notice, but I decided to check to see if others had also received this notice, because it just felt like a scam. I'm glad I did, and I hope no one falls for the scam.


Nov. 7, 2021 at 1:22 AM by an anonymous user from: United States

I got the same text. Must be a scam.


Nov. 6, 2021 at 7:39 PM by an anonymous user from: Imperial, Calexico, California, United States

I got the same text as all of you


Nov. 6, 2021 at 6:57 PM by an anonymous user from: Scio, Ohio, United States

got a text saying " EBT Notice - Call us immediately at 7074305169 / UZT111FCM". never had an ebt, caller id was ebt-70943647@5077-19xxx-card-benefits.ca.gov


Nov. 6, 2021 at 5:59 PM by an anonymous user from: Santa Cruz County, Boulder Creek, California, United States

Its a scam:


Nov. 6, 2021 at 5:36 PM by an anonymous user from: Los Angeles, California, United States

Got this message today regarding an EBT card but never have had an ebt card. Possible scam?


Nov. 6, 2021 at 2:23 PM by an anonymous user from: San Bernardino, Barstow, California, United States

I received the following text msg EBT Notice - Call us immediately at 7074305169 / JEJ736TLD today, thought it was likely a scam as I have not received benefits on EBT card in 4 years. However, given no complaints listed here nor elsewhere, perhaps it's legit.


Nov. 6, 2021 at 5:52 PM by an anonymous user from: Santa Cruz County, Boulder Creek, California, United States

I got the same text. My daughter said scammers will troll for peeps that are in fact eligible and collect the info and apply in their name. It becomes lucrative if done enough.


Nov. 6, 2021 at 5:50 PM by an anonymous user from: Santa Cruz County, Boulder Creek, California, United States

I just received the same text


Nov. 6, 2021 at 2:37 PM by an anonymous user from: San Diego, California, United States

I just received the same text message -> "EBT Notice - Call us immediately at 7074305169 / MBS239VAP"


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7074305169 Scam Calls or Text Messages - 707-430-5169