BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group

BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group

A few days ago I almost became a victim of the BFAG Facebook scam. The scam, which claims to be a so-called "government financial assistance" group, used a good friend of mine's FB account to lure me in. I filled out all the requested information, which I should have not done, and at the end, they asked for $2000 to pay for the delivery via UPS or FedEx when the "money" arrives. Of course, I reported them to my friend, and then posted on my FB account about my experience.

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If I hadn't been through a hurricane, I would have never considered even thinking about this. Please let everyone know that if someone tells them they saw their name on a federal program's list for assistance, it is a scam.

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Feb 3, 2024 at 8:16 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: Menifee, California, United States

I also had a friend tell me about this. She had actually received $120,000 that was delivered to her door. The cashier's check was good and she has used the money. She did have to pay them $1000.00 for taxes, etc. I contacted them to see what this was all about, never intending to fill out their form. I asked several questions about their "so-called organization, where they get this grant money, etc. They did not answer my questions but simply pushed me to get their form filled out.

I'm still asking questions and can say this is so poorly responded to by them. The puzzle for me is what do they get out of this? Yes, my friend paid them $1,000 for so-called processing fees but she did receive $120,000. That's a lot of money. I'm hoping someone can enlighten me as to what this is really all about.


Feb 14, 2024 at 7:45 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

She didn’t get ANY money. They hacked her account and wrote that to you as if they were she

I’ve received contacts like this MANY times

I ALWAYS asked where the money was coming from. They the govt fund. I asked which govt fund. The guy said don’t ask so many questions Just fill out the form


Dec 19, 2023 at 4:44 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: Los Angeles, California, United States

I just recently got a message from an old friend who I never see anymore she sent it to me on messenger saying that she had just received $50,000 from BFAG. She asked me if I’d ever heard from them which I had not and so I looked it up to find out what she was talking about and this is how I got here. I didn’t believe her and I still don’t and I think it’s all just a big scam it seems to look that way anyways. It’s not very fair of people to send messages like that when it’s all just a big fat lie! And at the end of her message on messenger she cut me off so that I could send her any message or ask her any questions so right then and there I thought that’s very weird. Thank you so much sincerely S...


Feb 14, 2024 at 7:48 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

It was NOT


Feb 14, 2024 at 7:48 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

It was BOT her. Her acct was hacked by these scammers who messaged u as her I’ve received messages just like that


Sep 6, 2023 at 9:55 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: Mission, Texas, United States

I also had a wierd situation a fella as a close friend of mine new picture by his old truck,said 100,000 would be delivered with in 6 hours in cash,had to pay a delivery fee of 1000,cant call them strickly text,i tried to contact him but said he had a new phone and couldnt call me when I started asking questions he was way in left field,but kept. On saying it was the happiest day of his life when they came to his house and gave him the cash and you dont have to pay it back saved all the messages,so when I finaly contact him, where is face book when you really need them.


Feb 14, 2024 at 7:50 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

Contact the fbi


Dec 19, 2023 at 4:41 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: Los Angeles, California, United States

I just had an old friend who I never see and have not seen for years leave me a message on messenger asking me if I had heard from BFAG and also claiming that she had just received $50,000 bonus from them. I’m trying to check this out but it looks like it’s a big scam oh well it sounded too good to be true anyway.


Feb 14, 2024 at 7:52 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

You’ve got that right


Jun 20, 2023 at 12:53 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

I just received a message asking how I was and just replied with a thumbs up. The name being used is of a deceased friend of mine! THIS IS SICK!


Jun 13, 2023 at 3:48 PM by
BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group
an anonymous user from: South Daytona, Florida, United States

I received a note in messenger from a "friend" asking me to click on this BFAG website through facebook (with Agent James Kathy) to get money, that she received lots of money delivered to her door. Red flag. They offered to walk me through link to help me.


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BFAG Facebook Scam - Government Financial Assistance Group