CVS Gift Card Text Scam Being Sent by Scammers - Beware

CVS Gift Card Text Scam Being Sent by Scammers - Beware

The CVS Gift Card text messages below are scams being sent to potential victims. Therefore, recipients are asked not to follow the instructions in them. The CVS Gift Card scammers will tell potential victims to buy a specific gift card or set of gift cards and load money onto them. Scammers may instruct potential victims to purchase the cards at different stores in order to avoid suspicion from the retailer. Cashiers at many major retailers are trained to ask consumers who are buying large amounts on gift cards questions to alert consumers of scams. Popular gift card brands are eBay, Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Target, Walmart, CVS, or Walgreens.

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If the gift cards are purchased, the scammers will ask for the card numbers and PINs. Once the scammers have this information, they can use the money loaded on the card immediately, so there is virtually no way of getting back your money.

The CVS Gift Card Text Scams

If you believe you are the victim of a gift card scam, there are several steps you can take:

  • Report it to the company that issued the card
  • File a police report
  • Call the Office of the Nevada Attorney General
  • Or file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission

Gift cards are for monetary gifts to your family members, friends, and other people you know, not for making payments for taxes, fines, bills, or other types of reimbursement/ Treat gift card funds like cash: once you hand the gift card off, that money is gone.

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CVS Gift Card Text Scam Being Sent by Scammers - Beware