Sup3R5 Black PS5 Scam - Beware

Sup3R5 Black PS5 Scam - Beware

Third-party company SUP3R5 will begin offering pre-orders for its unique Black PS5 consoles on January 8, 2021. This means that scammers may attempt to take advantage of the release of this limited stock of Sup3R5 Black PS5, a retro-designed PlayStation 5. Therefore, online shoppers asked to preorder their PS5 directly on Sup3R5's website at Interested buyers can sign-up for the official reminder of the company via email notification.

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The Sup3R5 Black PS5 is a retro-designed PlayStation 5 with black colors that uses classic themes and design of the popular old console, the PlayStation 2, complete with its old badge. The Black PS5 inspired by the PS2 also has a complementary Black DualSense Controller from the company, soon available for preorders.

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Feb. 12, 2021 at 4:13 PM by
Sup3R5 Black PS5 Scam - Beware

Start-up company SUP3R5 made around 300 PS5 consoles available for pre-order last month for $649 ($200 more than the regular PlayStation 5 RRP), with each said to sport a custom design based on the PlayStation 2 and ship later in the year.

However, the launch ultimately ended in disaster when SUP3R5’s website struggled to cope with demand and took many customer’s payments without them securing a console.

The company later issued a statement promising refunds and saying it was “embarrassed” with how the launch went, but just hours later it cancelled all successful orders and permanently deleted its Twitter account, due to its team allegedly receiving “credible threats to their safety.”


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Sup3R5 Black PS5 Scam - Beware