Is a Scam? Career Digitized

Is a Scam? Career Digitized

I want to know if Career Digitized at is a scam or not before I sign up. The website claims I can work with their highly-trained career coaches to tailor my career growth. But, what I find strange about Career Digitized is that they do not have a physical office address and the only way to contact them is via email.

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Feb. 16, 2021 at 4:05 PM by an anonymous user from: Dupont Circle, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

With a $5,000 price tag... Not only no, but FCK NO!


Jan. 30, 2021 at 11:17 AM by an anonymous user from: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I'm not violent or anything but the person, I assume it's a male, looks like he needs a smack over the head. Telling the viewer a bunch of lies, with his shirt intentionally placed to show his spade tattoo (could be fake).

Grinds my gears.

Report the ads to YouTube or something and definitely don't give them your money.


Jan. 17, 2021 at 5:53 PM by an anonymous user from: Macquarie Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Hi, I enrolled in the course and I think its a scam too, but I dont know how to get a refund? Can anyone help me?


Apr. 29, 2021 at 12:49 AM by an anonymous user from: Nassau, Hicksville, New York, United States

Call your bank, described what happened (explain it’s an online “work from home scam” & ask for your money back. Then, report him & his business to the Federal Trade Commision (FTC) & the Better Business Bureau (BBB). They will open an investigation and report this to the appropriate authorities.


Jan. 17, 2021 at 12:02 AM by an anonymous user from: St Louis, Town and Country, Missouri, United States

I could tell it's obviously a scam from the too good to be true ads on YouTube, but I attended a seminar just because. Convenient it just so happen he was going live at 3am central, 10mins after I signed up. Except the "live stream" isn't even live, it's a pre recorded video and he's pretending to be live and interacting with viewers. I know because I used a program to download the entire video before the stream even ended.

The view counter is fake as well, always starting at 3-400 and staying right under 500. In the video he spends the majority of the two hours trying to make what he's selling seem so amazing and how you'd be foolish to miss out on it, and very little time going in detail on the products themselves. He doesn't even reveal that it's not free like he promised until near the end. And he's using a scarcity tactic to make you believe he's offering you a deal by saying his products are normally 5 grand but he's taking 4,000 off.

Again, the counters fake and reset every time you refresh, that's how much it goes for. He's just trying to make you believe it's more than that so you think you're getting a good deal and buy his package on the spot. If you can't afford it, "that's what credit cards are for"(his words). He's promising you to make six figures in a month so why not "invest". He tries to make you seem stupid for passing it along and losing out on so much money, which doesn't work on me since I make more money than what he claims he makes but it's still scummy.

Lastly someone on quora asked if it was a scam, and on Jan 14th a bunch of accounts came and defended the program. Those were all his burner accounts. Had the same language, accused others of hating on him, and even two reviews by two different ppl were the exact same word for word lol. Him and his team are all on the internet doing damage control. Overall he's a pretty horrible scammer but I can understand how someone who's down on their luck, in a pinch and looking for quick easy money would fall for it. Those are the ones he's targeting. Idc how broke you are and bad he makes you feel for it, don't give that man a cent.


Jan. 16, 2021 at 12:14 AM by an anonymous user from: Tullamarine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Dude is wearing make up


Jan. 13, 2021 at 10:56 PM by an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

Yes, it is a scam. While PeI makes the claim online that he makes $95,000 a month, it's not true. When my investigations team went undercover to attend Pei's Seminar, three of my team's members discovered that the fluctuations of people attending was not Accurate at all. PeI would start out with 230 people watching, then seconds later, PeI would get 20 more people join in. 10 minutes later, PeI would have 100 people join with few that would "message" him apologizing for their tardiness, because he would address these people. he went from a modest 250 people to 350 people joining the class and it fluctuated by a people leaving and rejoining. in all three classes my team attended in the week, the same thing happened which flew the red flag. if PeI has 350 attending students paying $5k per entry. Do the math. if PeI charges $5k a month and has a 350 students attending, he wouldn't be making $95k a month. He would be making $1,750,000 a month. Either PeI is lying about how much he makes to avoid paying taxes or PeI is lying about his streams. That being said, Don't waist your money on a snake oiler. Your education is important. Don't waist it on these liars!


Jan. 13, 2021 at 7:59 PM by an anonymous user from: City of Ryde, Macquarie Park, New South Wales, Australia

Beware liars, snake oilsmen, evil doers


Jan. 13, 2021 at 7:39 PM by an anonymous user from: City of Ryde, Macquarie Park, New South Wales, Australia

I did a 'live stream' and accidentally backed out, I went back in and the live people counter is fake(says 400- 500 people watching live stream) so why would they lie to me

Lots of manipulation used during the seminar, maybe there is some truth to it but they apparently also want a large sum of money soooooo id like to know there true beliefs and intentions


Jan. 11, 2021 at 9:13 PM by an anonymous user from: E2, London, England, United Kingdom

I've been seeing this advertisement every day now, I highly don't trust this, it looks dodgy let's be honest. Money can't be made that easy.


Jan. 11, 2021 at 8:04 PM by an anonymous user from: E2, London, England, United Kingdom

Looks dodgy too


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Is a Scam? Career Digitized