Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store

Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store

Brayk located at is a fake online store claiming to sell Tent Mystery Box. Online users are advised to stay away from the fake website because those who shop from it run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all. Unsatisfied online users who have shopped on the untrustworthy website are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions canceled and money refunded.

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About Brayka Tents Mystery Box Online Store

Brayk at

Brayka Tents Mystery Box

Name: Bamboozong General Store in Wuji County

Delivery/Return address: Tanxia Village, Gaotou Township, Wuji County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province


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Jul. 3, 2021 at 10:51 PM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: King, Seattle, Washington, United States

I paid mystery box for a tent but never received it, it cost me 20.00. Shame on them


Feb. 5, 2021 at 2:25 PM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: California, United States

If you ordered a mystery tent box and paid with Paypal, email the seller for full refund because the item you received is NOT a tent as described on their website. Google the definition of tent and send them a screenshot of the definition. Go to their site and take a screenshot of the list of tents you can receive and underline every time the word TENT is used. The seller will offer you a partial return and claim that returning the item will cost more than the package is worth. Ignore the urge to accept this option. Refuse to pay out of pocket for what is clearly a scam and open a dispute then escalate it to a claim. Submit the two screenshots and photos of the item you received stating that the item is clearly NOT a tent. Include any email conversations between yourself and Fiona offering you the partial refund and their claim that shipping the item back is going to cost more than just getting a partial refund. Submit that this tactic is one used commonly by scammers to discourage marks from fighting to get their money back. Send links to websites that have labeled them as a scam and any other relevant information to show that they clearly scammed you intentionally. When the seller responds to your claim, they will send you a Chinese return address. Send a message to Paypal stating that the post office will not accept their Chinese address and that you won't pay for what is clearly a scam. Ask their representative to review your case and the submitted information. Someone will end up reviewing your case and they will most likely rule in your favor. Call in and speak to a representative if necessary. I was on hold with Paypal when I received a message saying they ruled in my favor and closed the case. I received a full refund and did not have to ship the garbage space blanket back. Hope this helps.


Feb. 3, 2021 at 11:54 AM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: Mountain View, California, United States

A scam. I ordered 2 boxes. They both came in one envelope, yep you read that correctly. 2 emergency blankets. They claim you will get 1 in 9 tents with each box. The odds of getting the same "tent" in 2 boxes is 1.2%. The odds that that same tent is the 6 dollar emergency blanket puts the odds at SCAM 100%. When you want to claim the return they promise, they ask for you to return the product. When you do, they stop all communication and provide no refund. By the time the entire process is complete PayPal claims it is too late for them to be able to do anything.


Jan. 23, 2021 at 10:24 AM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: Downtown Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Bryak's website claims 10% chance of receiving any tent option, one of which is an emergency shelter. If I had only ordered one, I would have chalked this up to bad luck. I ordered two mystery tents and still received two of these emergency shelters... 1% chance of this outcome and it, very conveniently, is the lowest value (and most profitable for Bryak) outcome. I sent two emails to different contacts, both provided the exact same form letter response claiming bad luck and that I could return the product, but did not provide a return address. The website also does not provide a return address. The address on my package is LEE 147-03 182st Jamaica NY 11413, which has been attributed to many similar online scams misleading purchasers with lower value deliveries that people had believed would be tents, cameras, and other products. I've issued a formal complaint with Paypal and recommend staying away from this site.


Jan. 20, 2021 at 11:45 AM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: Redwood Shores, Redwood City, California, United States

This Mystery Box is c**p. As another poster stated.. A space blanket on a string that they call an emergency shelter. There so called mystery tent wasnt even a tent. Dont bother!


Jan. 20, 2021 at 9:11 AM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: Burlington, Mt Laurel, New Jersey, United States

Received my emergency shelter tent! BEWARE!


Jan. 16, 2021 at 2:09 PM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: White, Cleveland, Georgia, United States

Got my mystery tents today. LMAO

They are Emergency shelter with a string.


Jan. 15, 2021 at 4:34 PM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: Southeast Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

Bought two "kitchen mystery boxes".

What I got for my money was two pieces of metal that have nothing to do with anything kitchen related.

Complete and utter scam, and the d**n things were shipped all the way from China near as I can tell. Irritating.


Jan. 15, 2021 at 2:48 AM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: Köln, Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

This is the new mail adresse: the previous one has been deactivated.

Still waiting on my order.


Jan. 15, 2021 at 1:38 AM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: Dane, Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Bought 2 tents in Dec. Just got two mylar POS's worthless. Avoid this Scam.


Jan. 9, 2021 at 2:08 PM by
Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store
an anonymous user from: Burlington, Mt Laurel, New Jersey, United States

I bought two tents from this outfit a couple of months back. When we finally received the tow tents in ONE envelope, they tuned out to be 2 Mylar emergency shelters that set up with a string!


Be sure to go camping where there are 2 trees to tie up your "tent",

It was good for the laugh I supppse.


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Brayka Tents Mystery Box Scam Online Store