The fake NHS notification email below, which claims the government is performing selective coronavirus vaccination on the basis of family genetics and medical history, is a scam. The fake email will ask recipients to confirm or reject whether they would like to take the coronavirus vaccination. If the recipients click the "Accept" link (do not do this), they will be taken to a phishing website where they will be asked for personal, credit card, and other financial information. If the requested information is submitted, it will be sent to the scammers who will use it fraudulently.
The NHS E-Referral Service Notification Scam
Subject: Book an appointment using the NHS's e-referral service - NHSVaccination
This is a public health message from the NHS.
As part of the government's co-ordinated response to Coronavirus, NHS is performing selections for coronavirus vaccination on the basis of family genetics and medical history.
You have been selected to receive a coronavirus vaccination.
Use this sevice to confirm/reject your coronavirus(COVID-19) vaccination:
NHS - Accept invitation
NHS - Decline invitation
NOTE: The coronavirus(COVID-19) vaccine is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against coronavirus.
Who can use this service...
If you were tricked by the scam, please contact your bank for help immediately.