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Is Novitec Wifi Booster a Scam? See Review

Novitec Wifi Booster should not be trusted because it claims that internet service providers monitor peak times and reduce speeds, which may be true, but it claims this product will block internet service providers from monitoring this information, therefore, they won't know when to lower speeds which is just a ridiculous. There's no technology that will prevent your internet service provider from throttling your bandwidth.


The Novitec Wifi Booster

Novitec Wifi Booster claims it's Wifi4, or 802.11 N, which maxs out at 600mbps. But, on their product description page, it says "Boost your WiFi signal’s speed up to 1200 Mbps". When you go to the order page it tells the truth, "Up to 300Mbps on 2.4G".

Novitec Wifi Booster website has lots of similarities with a bunch of problematic sites like BuyRangeXTD, HOCWatch, Cardieo, TurboTuuli, BuyBlaux, Blaux, BuyOshenWatch, GetTVBuddy, FeverPatrol, etc. These sites have lots of complaints from their users.

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