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Apple Breach Scam Calls - Fake 3152328257 iCloud Support Number

If you receive telephone calls saying your iCloud has been breached, locked, or hacked, hang up. The fake robocalls are being made by online scammers purporting to be from Apple iCloud Support using spoofed telephone numbers, instructing potential victims to call the fake Apple support number 3152328257. But, Apple does not make such calls and will not initiate such telephone calls to customers. They would send you a message telling you to log into your iCloud account for important messages but they don't call you.


The Apple Breach Scam Calls Transcript

"This is Oliva from iCloud Support. You've been compromised. Call us at 315 232 8257"

"Apple support advisor press one to connect with Apple support advisor press two to listen to this message again or if you wish to contact us later please call us on our toll-free number 315-232-8257 thank you…"

"Apple support advisor. Press one to connect with Apple support advisor. Press two to listen to this message again or if you wish to contact us later please call us on our toll free number 315-232-8257. Thank you."

All such calls are scams from criminals attempting to steal your personal and financial information. The scammers behind the scam calls will often use number spoofing to pretend the calls are coming from Apple Support.

If you can, block the telephone numbers you are getting the "Apple Breach" scam calls from and report them to your service telephone service provider.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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