Arizonans have reported receiving a scam text about their driver's license needing to be updated, but the text did not come from the Arizona Department of Transportation(ADOT), Motor Vehicle Services, or Motor Vehicle Department(MVD). The scam text is a phony attempt to get people to hand over their personal identifying information. Do not open this text or any web address associated with it. This is a scam and you should never click on unsolicited or suspicious links in texts or emails.
The only ADOT website customers should conduct personal business on is or
ADOT is working with the Arizona Department of Administration and law enforcement in an effort to protect their customers. And, remember, the text message claiming to be ADOT isn't real and you never click on suspicious links in texts or emails.
MVD Warning Arizonans on Social Media
If you got a text telling you to update your AZ driver license do not open or click. It isn't from MVD!
DO NOT OPEN! A text message has been sent from a scammer to many Arizonans claiming they need to update their driver license. This is not from MVD. DO NOT OPEN!