Netflix Scam Text Payment Declined - Account Locked

Netflix Scam Text Payment Declined - Account Locked

Netflix users who have received fake "Netflix Payment Declined" text messages like the one below, are asked not to click the link in them. This is because the fake text messages are being sent by online scammers and not Netflix. The link in the fake message goes to a phishing website that steals account credentials, personal and financial information.

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A "Netflix Payment Declined" Text Scam

Your Netflix account will be locked because your payment was declined

Netflix users should never click on a link to sign into their online accounts. They should always go directly to and sign into their accounts from there. Once they have signed in, they will be notified of changes, verifications or updates that need to be done to their accounts.

Netflix users who have already been tricked by the phishing text or email tmessages should change their passwords and contact Netflix immediately for help.

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Jan 21, 2021 at 6:46 PM by
Netflix Scam Text Payment Declined - Account Locked
an anonymous user from: Downtown, Orlando, Florida, United States

Thank you. That phishing text was sent to my phone today from 1 (469) 649-4842.


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Netflix Scam Text Payment Declined - Account Locked