Music, dialogue, and sound effects are often used together in order to create an immersive atmosphere in the media. Movies, games, music videos, etc. all use these tools together to create a finished product, but sometimes there is a multitude of reasons why it might be beneficial to keep these elements separate from one another. For example, music students could study each element on its own seeing how each part makes a coherent whole, and singers could isolate tracks for use with karaoke machines. Music can be interpreted in many forms, and sometimes by separating vocals and instruments, it can lead to a greater appreciation for both the individual aspects of a song, as well as the complete work as a whole.
Why This Could be Useful
One of the most prominent examples of this is separating music from vocals in songs. People can use a vocal remover online for a variety of reasons that might not be obvious at first glance but could lead to different uses and interpretations that regular consumption of music wouldn't have. One case would be in the production of movies and television, a song might be perfect for a scene but its lyrics would detract from the spoken dialogue. Proper mixing would be required to ensure that the song can be played during the scene, with the lyrics going on when a character isn't speaking and would fade in the background when they are.
For example, the opening to the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 begins with an extended action sequence playing the song Mr. Blue Sky by the Electric Light Orchestra. The scene intermingles the song, heavy sound effects, as well as a roster of characters yelling. In order for this sequence to work, there are segments where the vocals of the song are replaced in favor of the additional sounds. By separating elements of music and audio, these different pieces can be used together in ways that sound appealing to listeners that don't conflict with each other. If the song in the scene had just been inserted as is, then it would run into the issue where the lyrics would conflict with the character’s dialogue while the sound effects would clash with the instrumentals.
Not only is this important for a filmmaker, DJ, or content creator, but it’s important for audiences too. Everybody listens to their media in different ways, be it through regular speakers, headphones, or a surround sound setup. It’s important that proper mixing and output don’t have discrepancies on different devices or setups. This is one additional reason why separating music and dialogue into separate audio tracks in editing is beneficial because it also allows audio engineers to take advantage of multi-channel setups more efficiently.
The way sounds and music can be interpreted are different for every person, but by taking advantage of tools and techniques to split the elements that makeup songs, the way each element can be used is multiplied exponentially. Sometimes just separating vocals from songs can make a huge difference.