The fake "Store Supply Warehouse LLC PayPal" email below is a scam. Therefore, recipients are asked not to follow the instructions in it. The fake email is being sent by online scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims into visiting a fake or phishing PayPal website that steals account credentials.
The "Store Supply Warehouse LLC PayPal" Scam
You authorized a transaction to Store Supply Warehouse LLC. Money won’t leave your account until Store Supply Warehouse LLC processes your order.
Thanks for using PayPal.
To see the full transaction details, log in to your PayPal account. Keep in mind, it may take a few moments for this transaction to appear.
Merchant Store Supply Warehouse LLC 800-823-8887
Instructions to merchant You haven’t entered any instructions.
Recipients of the phishing email who have already clicked the link in it and attempted to sign into their account on the fake website they were taken to, are asked to change their PayPal account immediately before it is hijacked and used fraudulently.