Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages

Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages

join.zoho is a legitimate website that provides a remote computer access service. But, although this site is legitimate, cybercriminals abuse it by tricking their victims into giving them access to their computers via join.zoho or This why join.zoho encourages users to be cautious if they receive unsolicited requests to access their computers and they should only join remote access support sessions with people they recognize and trust.

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join.zoho are sometimes abused by cyber criminals, commonly through 'tech support' scammers. Users encounter random redirects to deceptive sites claiming that system is damaged and encouraging them to contact tech support using various telephone numbers. After calling, users are asked to grant cyber criminals, who claim to be 'certified technicians', remote access to their systems via join.zoho or another remote computer access service.

These scammers then suggest that the system is infected and ask users to pay for removal of malware that does actually not exist. In some, cases cyber criminals call the victim and claim to be from Microsoft, Apple, or another tech company.

These people then demand remote access to solve technical issues, etc. Bear in mind, that giving remote access to cyber criminals can be very dangerous. While, commonly, they strive to trick you into paying for services that are not required, they can install trojans, key loggers, and other malicious software on your computer.

If you gave access to connect to your computer to a suspicious third party agent, we recommend scanning your computer with a legitimate antivirus program, removing all the found threats, and then changing your passwords for online banking, email, and social media accounts.

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Mar 3, 2023 at 5:25 PM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Harker Heights, Texas, United States

Got a fake invoice thanking me for my purchase sent to me for Norton anti-virus product, I did not make such purchase. There was an 888 number to call on the invoice. Of course I called it because they were charging me $379 . The foreign language speaker on the other end asked me to go to if I wanted a refund. I told him I would call my bank. He responded with your bank has already paid us and if you want your refund you must get on this site and fill out a refund form. I said no I will not because it looked like you want remote access to my computer. He got very angry and screamed at me, if you want your refund you will get on the site, do you want your refund? kept repeating it. Finally, I had a few choice words for him and hung up. I called my bank and there was no such charge paid out of my account. PEOPLE PLEASE BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. THEY HIJACKED ME FROM AN AARP WEBITE.


Aug 4, 2022 at 5:56 AM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Amazon scam ...give no details not open app


Jan 21, 2022 at 2:23 PM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: E2, London, England, United Kingdom

I was called from what I thought was Coinbase support as I had filled in a form on their website with my number. To cut a long story short. They emptied my Coinbase account. I am gutted. All gone. I was thinking this very polite gentleman was helping me transfer to my Coinbase pro account, and all he did was empty my Coinbase account in to a third account, which probably was his or someone India or Africa or Florida ..I am devastated. it was my savings


Apr 12, 2022 at 5:14 AM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

Try looking for scam victim help in your area. Or try to contact scammer payback or trilogy media on YouTube. They might be able to help or point you in right direction.


Dec 22, 2021 at 11:52 AM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Chaffee County, Buena Vista, Colorado, United States

Got a call that an iphone had been ordered on my amazon account and was transferred to customer service when I selected I had not made the order in the amount of roughly 1300$. I was then speaking with 'customer support', he texted me from 18665141606 and wanted me to join at which took me to an app, which I noticed wasn't playstore, so I did a quick google search with him on the line before I hit 'download and install' and found this page. While I was hesitating he goes 'DID YOU DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE APP, MA'AM, DID YOU DOWN LOAD AND INSTALL THE APP, MA'AM' more and more insistently, so I hung up. I'm glad I didn't download or install the app because now I'm seeing no iphone on my amazon account.


Nov 16, 2021 at 1:18 PM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Erie, Buffalo, New York, United States

Just got an email saying that Norton 360 PC was charging me $469.59. Called them all freaked out and right away I could tell something was up. When the call agent transferred me to the supervisor he told me to type in right away I googled it and I got to this page. The phone number they used was 1(800)-547-2257


Nov 4, 2021 at 5:41 PM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Lee County, Bonita Springs, Florida, United States

I got an email for the second time in a year saying “thank you for your order, your account will be debited 398.87”. I never ordered a service. When calling the 1-803-514-5559 I was told that I had ordered thru Best Buy, I did not. I was then told the only way to get my money back was to go to “”. I am not going to any website that I do not Know especially when it starts with the word “join”. I will be reporting this ASAP as they are just scammers stealing others HARD EARNED MONEY from the best I can tell.


Oct 25, 2021 at 12:29 PM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Chelan County, Leavenworth, Washington, United States

Do you know if Pro IT Solutions with join.zoho is a legitimate website that provides remote computer access service for HP? I just bought a HP DeskJet all in one and could not get the thing hooked to WIFI. I called the HB help and was connected to a service technician ( in SE Asia somewhere) and gave him control to hook me up. Then I was talked into buying a 5 year plan for 24/7 service for my iMac, iPhone, and iPads. I thought it was was a good deal at the time but now I'm worried. How do I find out if this transaction is legitimate or not?


Apr 12, 2022 at 5:17 AM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

That was a scam


Jul 1, 2021 at 11:31 AM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Loudonville, Albany, New York, United States

Received an email that I was going to be charged 355 for Norton protection gave me an 800-327-7254 phone number and called me an $sshole and hung up on me when I told them it was a scam.

Beware people.


Aug 26, 2021 at 2:31 PM by
Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages
an anonymous user from: Washington, District of Columbia, United States

exact thing just happened to me! same Norton scam. When I told guy this is a scam he screamed ay me " dont you want your money back?!" so he hung up on me when he figured I wasn't falling for the scam.


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Is join.zoho a Scam? Fake Technical Support Messages