Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information

Netflix Scam Email  Update Current Billing Information

Attention Netflix users, there is an "Update Current Billing Information" scam being circulated claiming your payment has been declined and you need to update your payment details. The link in the email goes to a fake Netflix webpage where visitors are asked to sign-in. But, any attempts to sign-in will result in visitors' credentials being sent to the cybercriminals behind the scam. Once the cybercriminals have gotten the stolen credentials, they will hijack their victims' Netflix accounts and use them fraudulently.

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This is why Netflix users should never click on a link to sign into their accounts. They should instead, go directly to and sign into their accounts from there. This is the most effective way of preventing Netflix phishing scams, that is, preventing cybercriminals from tricking Netflix users into visiting fake websites that steal account credentials.

A Netflix Scam Email

From: Ņ​​​​et​fli​x​​​​​​​​ <>

Date: 10 September 2020 at 19:40:29 BST

To: "" <>

Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information

Subject: Re: An order was issued on 10 September 2020. IdReff: 86808133


Unfortunately, we are unable to approve your payment for your next subscription cycle. Because financial institutions have rejected monthly charges, Netflix cannot receive payment.

To resolve the issue, Please update your payment information by pressing the button below.

Try Again Payment

For more information. Please visit the Help Center for more info or contact us.

Net flix users who have already fallen for the phishing scam are asked to change their Netflix password immediately, and contact Netflix about the necessary steps they should take.

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Sep 17, 2020 at 1:22 AM by
Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information
an anonymous user from: Asbestos, Quebec, Canada

Good call from the scammers, they sent me the email on my wrong email address and also not in my native language (wich Netflix usualy do)


Sep 16, 2020 at 5:19 PM by
Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information
an anonymous user from: Long Beach, California, United States

Yes, I too received this email. After verifying my funds were available, I looked at the sender's email address and noticed the portion and thought it was suspicious. I googled it and found this site. I then immediately deleted that email.

Whoever created this site, thank you!


Sep 16, 2020 at 4:42 PM by
Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information
an anonymous user from: Prince George, British Columbia, Canada


I received the same exact email.

I know it is a scam as I don't even have a Netflix account!

W Mark K

BC Canada


Sep 16, 2020 at 3:10 PM by
Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information
an anonymous user from: Ankara, Turkey

Can't believe falling for this but I just clicked the link in the same scam mail. An empty chrome page opened. Hope nothing bad happens.

mail came from:

:( :(


Sep 14, 2020 at 2:36 PM by
Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information

"From: Ņ​​​​et​fli​x​​​​​​​​ <>

Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020 9:03 PM

To: <>

Subject: Re: Update Payment Subscription - We can't authorize payment September 13, 2020. Order Number : 94687161


Update current billing information


Unfortunately, we cannot authorize your payment for the next billing cycle of your subscription, Netflix was unable to receive a payment because the financial institution rejected the monthly charge.


Obviously we'd love to have you back. if you change your mind, simply restart your membership and update your payment to enjoy all the best TV shows & movies without interruption.

- Netflix Team"

Received this scam.


Sep 13, 2020 at 2:31 PM by
Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information
an anonymous user from: Overpelt, Flanders, Belgium

I also just received a similar e-mail from the following mail-address

with the title: Update current billing information.

Mail goes like this:


Unfortunately, we cannot authorize your payment for the next billing cycle of your subscription, Netflix was unable to receive a payment because the financial institution rejected the monthly charge.

Big red button in the middle saying 'Restart Membership'

Obviously we'd love to have you back. If you change your mind, simply restart your membership and update your payment to enjoy all the best TV shows & movies without interruption.

- Netflix Team


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Netflix Scam Email: Update Current Billing Information