Scammers have created fake ROC Paddle Board online stores like the one below, claiming to sell inflatable paddleboards. The fake stores lure potential victims to them by claiming to sell paddleboards at ridiculously low prices. Remember, once something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Therefore, online shoppers are asked to research online stores before purchasing anything from them.
A Fake ROC Paddle Board Online Store
Tel: +1 509-593-8376
The legit ROC Paddle Board located at posted the following message on their Facebook page warning their customers of the fake online stores:
Recently we have been getting reports of fraudulent advertisements being run on social media for our products. They are NOT legitimate or associated with us in any way! We are disappointed to see that this is happening and we are working diligently to get them taken down. You can find our authentic boards on our website at or on Amazon but any other outlet is not authorized.