I got 2 separate emails from customerservice@ealerts.bankofamerica.com with the subject "Activity Alert: You Have a Time-Sensitive Message about Your Claim." In the body of the email, both say "We're letting you know that you have an urgent message about your claim in your Online Banking mailbox. Please go to the Message Center in Online Banking to read your message." And, each has a separate claim number. I assumed it had to do with the EDD. Both fell in the spam folder. But, examining the link in both of them (without clicking) it goes to click.ealerts.bankofamerica.com, which is a legit Bank of America domain name.
This looks strange, so I when to by web browser and log directly into my main non-EDD BofA account, and there was nothing in the message center. Then I logged into my EDD BofA account, and there is no "message center" in that account. I called the BofA EDD card's customer service number and there's no message.
This is strange. If anyone received the same message and has any information, please share by leaving a comment below.