750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation

750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation

If you have the receive fake Cash App Transfer text message, claiming there is a pending transfer awaiting your confirmation, please do not click the link. This is because the text message is a scam being used to steal account credentials, personal and financial information

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The Cash App Text Scam

$750 Cash-App-Transfer is pending your confirmation, wdzmsc.com/(my phone number) nxnrxqr."

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January 19, 2024 at 9:26 AM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation
an anonymous user from: Denver, Colorado, United States

I would like to get a refund because I did not use this money


December 29, 2021 at 12:40 AM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation
an anonymous user from: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

This is what I got by text:

CASHAPP notification you have a payment of $750 from Jessica. You can view your transaction removedmolecule.com/ib9e8Z4

I do not have a cash app account.


August 30, 2020 at 11:24 PM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation

"CashApp: Rhonda, you received a direct deposit of $750 n8a8y.com/Isc8rE3lEK now"

Another scam.


September 1, 2020 at 9:09 PM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation
an anonymous user from: Gretna, Louisiana, United States

Final Notification 750.00 Cash*App hxxp://t.co/9HcGEuNCZk?cdqs


August 25, 2020 at 12:59 AM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation

"From: Best Response <response@best.opinionsmediagroup.com>

Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 9:34 AM

Subject: Account Confirmation: Mostafa $750


Thank you for joining OpinionsMediaGroup. Click below to confirm your account and see how you can pick up a signup bonus:

$750 Cash App amount!

Best of Luck,

The OpinionsMediaGroup Team

Confirm Account: $750

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Here is another scam.


August 23, 2020 at 12:20 PM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation
an anonymous user from: Malden, Massachusetts, United States

Can someone explain to me what app is


August 23, 2020 at 1:02 AM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation

This is what i received today, please let me know how to prevent this if you know a solution. Thank you


I received one today also. 750USD Cash*App requires your confirmation https://t.o/RJOVG-WH6UF?MP1=MY PHONE NUMBER iwqten

I don’t have the cash app.


August 23, 2020 at 1:01 AM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation

750USD Cash*App requires your confirmation https://t.co/CnzIFzV08H?amp1=7703286872 wawuoa .


August 23, 2020 at 12:45 AM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation

This was sent via text message. I do not use any cash apps. Please verify


750USD CashAppTransfer pending your confirmation https://t.co/pHY9jXFvUI?amp1=9859815165 oqopii .


August 23, 2020 at 12:38 AM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation

I just received the alert below on my phone. There is no transaction that I am aware of. I have changed my PIN number for my cash app account. Please advise if there is any other action I should take to protect my account.

$750 Cash-App-Transfer is pending your confirmation snqexh.com/9018322380 rjnnafh.


August 21, 2020 at 5:06 PM by
750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation
an anonymous user from: United States


I received one today also. 750USD Cash*App requires your confirmation https://t.o/RJOVG-WH6UF?MP1=MY PHONE NUMBER iwqten

I don’t have the cash app.


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750 Cash App Scam Pending Transfer Confirmation