Is a Scam or a Fake Apple Technical Support Website?

Is a Scam or a Fake Apple Technical Support Website?

The website is not a scam. It is used by Apple technical support team. The website allows you to download an application, which will Apple Support to be able to view and record your screen as part of your support session but cannot access your files or control your computer. But, although is legit, there are scammers who have created fake domain names looking similar to it. For example, scammers created the fake domain name "" a few years and attempted to trick Apple users into visiting it, download and install malicious software from it.

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The difference between the legit and fake website is a "." and a "-". The legit website is "" and the fake one is "".

  • - legit website
  • - fake website

Apple's Website

If someone contacts you or you receive a message from someone claiming to be an Apple technical support representative, asking you to go to a website and download an application in order to help you, please do not follow the person's instructions. Remember, technical support does not call you, you call them. And, if the person claims he/she is actually from Apple, go directly to, which is legit. And, never let the person tell you which website to go to because there is no way to tell if the caller is a scammer or not.

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Is a Scam or a Fake Apple Technical Support Website?