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Top 5 Free Text to Speech Converter

The rise of text to speech converters has produced a lot of options for consumers. There really are so many options out there that it can almost be overwhelming. Below are 5 popular options that people can use for a text to speech converter.


The first one on the list is called Naturaltts. The converter offers both a free and paid version that is an upgraded plan from the free version.

The converter has over 60 natural sounding voices and covers 6 popular languages so there is a selection for most people. The amount of customization really does make Naturaltts one of the best in the business as a free option and paid option.

It is definitely worth your time to check out this text to speech converter!

Text 2 Voice

The next free text to speech converter is called Text 2 Voice. This is a web application that converts in an mp3 format.

One of the main points that reviewers make about Text 2 Voice is that the algorithm is constantly improving, and it does not sound robotic like other competitors.

Another big thing that makes Text 2 Voice a good option to look into is that you can use the text to speech converter to use it on YouTube videos and social media platforms. What a great way to use technology to save time and focus on other things.


The third thing that I will point out is Notevibes, which is a great platform that is also converting to an mp3 download like a lot of text to speech converters do.

Notevibes has a pretty great reputation in the text to speech converter industry and offers a free platform for users that should get the job done. Their personal paid plan also has 157 natural voices which is an option that people could look into if they like the platform.


The fourth option that I am going to get you introduced with is Kukarella, which is a great way to suit your text to speech needs. There is a flexible pricing system to Kukarella and often customers do upgrade to get their premium features after having the free version.

The main thing that they focus on is making it very simple for people to use their converter and get their needs covered. Definitely look into this great text to speech converter if you value simplicity.


The last one to point out is a website called TTSReader. The platform focuses on providing a ton of value at a free price for users. The free plan is unlimited, so it is not capped like other programs out there that start charging you after a certain time.

There are a lot of great features that I think many people will find very useful in their day to day lives or with their businesses.

Definitely look into these 5 free texts to speech converter before you look anywhere else.

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