Fedex Message Scam: Item Delivery and Schedule

Fedex Message Scam  Item Delivery and Schedule

The fake "Good morning John, this is Ted from Fedex. I've tried to deliver your item twice, but to no avail. Can you please schedule here" text below is a scam. The fake text message is being sent by scammers and the link in it goes to spam, fake survey, or phishing websites that trick visitors into purchasing unwanted services, steal their personal and financial information. Therefore, if you have received the fake FedEx text message, please do not follow the instructions in it.f

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The Fedex Message Scam

"Good morning, this is John from Fedex. I've tried to deliver your item twice, but to no avail. Can you please schedule here:"

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Aug. 22, 2020 at 9:40 PM by
Fedex Message Scam: Item Delivery and Schedule
an anonymous user from: Houston, Texas, United States

Good morning Karesa, this is Todd from Fedex. I've tried to deliver your item twice, but to no avail. Can you please schedule here:


Aug. 16, 2020 at 11:13 PM by
Fedex Message Scam: Item Delivery and Schedule
an anonymous user from: Kissimmee, Florida, United States

Just received this today. Didn't open it because, one Fedex doesn't email you and second ( the most obvious ), the email address. See below...

Good morning Chessirite, this is Todd from Fedex. I've tried to deliver your item twice, but to no avail. Can you please schedule here:


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Fedex Message Scam: Item Delivery and Schedule