PC Tech And Support Auto Renewal Scam
Do not call 1-830-542-4139. This is because the fake PC Tech And Support Auto-Renewal email below is a scam, which asks recipients to call telephone number 1-830-542-4139 to cancel their membership before it auto-renews. The fake emails are being sent by online scammers who are attempting to steal their potential victims' account credentials, personal and financial information. The scammers may also ask their potential victims to give them remote access to their computers. If the scammers are given access, they will steal personal information and install spyware and other malware on their victims' computers
A PC Tech And Support Auto Renewal Scam
From: Pc Tech And Support - pctechs245@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 10:50 AM
Subject: Pc Tech Support Auto Renewal
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing PC TECH AND SUPPORT.
We are happy to renew your subscription which you might have forgotten to renew as you might have been busy.
We have auto debited an amount of $299 for the renewal of security software which was due for renewal.
Customer ID: PC543753468
If you have any issues or you want to cancel the subscription call our helpdesk to speak to our customer support executive.
Our Customer support toll free number: +1-830-542-4139
Recipients of the fake emails who were tricked into disclosing their credit card information to the scammers are asked to contact their banks for help before their cards are used fraudulently.
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