BuyClearTV or Clear TV located at, which claims to be a digital HD indoor antenna that can help you watch live high-definition broadcast television without an expensive cable bill, is misleading. The advertisements for this antenna are all hype and speak of no meaningful specs such as effective mileage range or amplified or non-amplified. This is merely an attempt to take advantage of people who don't understand the still fairly new digital signals that our TVs are receiving now.
About BuyClearTV /Clear TV

The advertisement for ClearTV in my opinion is purely a scam to mislead the public as to what they are actually selling. The "ClearTV" is actually nothing more than a digital over the air antenna that can only receive local TV stations in your area. It has no comparison to cable as to what anyone can view. If you live in the country you may or may not receive any signal at all. For instance, a relative of mine lives in a mountainous region of north Georgia and can't receive one channel from this type of antenna. Walmart and other stores sell antennas very similar to what they are marketing. Amplified antennas run from $20 to $40 generally.
I have a Phillips that I paid $38 for at Walmart I live approximately 45 miles from Mobile Alabama and can only get eleven or 12 channels most time according to the weather. "ClearTV will enable you to watch only what is termed as "local channels" absolutely nothing more. These marketers are definitely trying to deceive the public as to what they are selling and actually should be fined by the FTC for their commercials. Summing it up their product is nothing more than an over the air antenna.